Here are links to some of my works on my favorite programming language:
Python Cookbook
, edited by Alex Martelli and David Ascher
Python in a Nutshell
, by Alex Martelli
OSCON 2004: Masquerading and Adaptation Design Patterns in Python (pdf)
EuroPython 2004: Writing Applications with Strakt's CAPS (pdf)
EuroPython 2004: Masquerading and Adaptation Design Patterns in Python (pdf)
ACCU 2004: Relearning Python (pdf)
OSCON 2003: The "Template Method" Design Pattern in Python (pdf)
OSCON 2003: Threads in Python 2.3 (pdf)
EuroPython 2003: Python Metaclasses (pdf)
EuroPython 2003: What's new in Python 2.3 (pdf)
EuroPython 2003: "Template Method" and "Factory" Design Patterns (pdf)
ACCU 2003: Introduction to Python (pdf)
EuroPython 2002: AB Strakt's N-tier Framework (pdf)
EuroPython 2002: Extending Python with C (pdf)
EuroPython 2002: Iterators and Generators(pdf)
Other Python presentations available here
Five Easy Pieces: Simple Python Non-Patterns
What's New in Python 2.3
Linux Magazine: Python:Yes, You SHOULD Be Using it!
Linux Magazine: Python: The Best Gets Better!
Py Zine: Extending Python with C, Part I
Py Zine: Extending Python with C, Part II
EuroPython 2002: Interview
Other Python-related activities
Winner: ActiveState Activators' Choice Award 2002
Python Developer
Developer and Maintainer: gmpy
Member: Python Software Foundation
Member: Python Business Forum